Sunday, June 01, 2008

Two thumbs up!

I don't want to give anything away, so won't give a detailed review, but do give Sex & the City two thumbs up.

I went in with low expectations, since movies don't usually live up to the original form (book, show, play, nursery rhyme even!). I was very pleasantly surprised with the script, storyline, acting, etc. All 4 ladies had pretty good plot lines. Now thinking about it more, I could knit-pick a lot of it and I like liking the movie, so I'm not going to think about that anymore. Just go, sit back & enjoy!

One thing, I thought Carrie was wearing the same shoes in a couple of scenes. I'm not a big shoe-ho & not really into fashion at all (this weekend I bought clothes at Target & Sam's Club!). Since shoes are such a big deal in S&TC, I was looking at them and surprised to see the same or similar shoes in multiple scenes.

Worth going to see now instead of waiting for video. I got my $7.50 worth!

1 comment:

Viv said...

LOVED IT! Missed my ladies! It was a blast!