Saturday was the Cinco de Mayo run. Which meant a 5:15 AM wake-up, leave home at 6-ish to make the 7am start time. Ugh. But, it was a really nice morning. Cool-ish and low humidity. The run was along a loop that was repeated in part, but since we were going around in circles you couldn't really tell. Until getting lapped, but in my little penguin world I'm okay with that. And I was only lapped by about 3 people before I took the turn back & they sprinted onto the end.
My time wasn't as well as I had hoped, but not bad considering I've been hating running a lot these past couple of weeks & therefore not doing it too much! I finished in 39:something...
So then I came home and took a nice long nap....
Sunday morning I went along on the Bayou City Outdoors Houston hike. We did a little over 6 1/2 miles from Jackson Hill back to Memorial park. We were headed down to the bayou, but more than half of our group missed the fork in the trail, so ended up having to track them down on the biking trails. Winslow came along for this jaunt and stayed perky through out most of the trip. He was dragging on the last 1/2 mile or so & I considered picking him up, but didn't want to embarrass him. Amazing he's still so spry at (almost) 16. Quite a wonder dog.
So then I came home and we both took nice long naps.....
Boot camp is tomorrow - yeah!
This is the last week of my 21-day My Fit Foods challenge. Man I still love their food! I think my economic stimulus funds will just go right over to them...
Don't worry too much about the time from your race. You still got out there and got it done!
So how much weight have you lost now? ;)
Hi Anna! Did you spot me in the race? So many people out there it was crazy.
Yes nicole was there :) She is in my fitness group. We had a great run. The weather was killing me though. I wish it was cloudy when we started running.
I will never drink before a race, haha didnt go to bed until 1am. Yikes!
Congrats Anna! That is a great time, and you ran the next day as well. I love that you and Winslow took a nap together after Sundays run. hahaha!
Way to pump the money into you body. I can't think of anything more deserving :-)
I re: to your comments on my blog comment sec.
Javier -- I'm horrible at finding people after looking at pics.
How about this -- on Wednesday at PIM I'll wear my Houston half Marathon finisher shirt - you find me!
I was leaving SBUX on Memorial Drive and saw a bunch of people walking east and I wondered what they were I know!
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