Friday, March 14, 2008

60 miles so far this year - woo-hoo!!

WOW - I'm impressed with me for hitting 60 miles so far this year!

Espically since the entire month of February I just logged 2.3 miles. What the heck happened there? (Oh yeah- I had to work a lot. Plus, Feb is a short month.... Yeah, I know it's leap year. Those are my "reasons" and I'm sticking to them.)

I guess I should try to hit some mile targets to keep myself on track (plus, then I can justify buying rewards!). Twenty miles a month sounds like a pretty darn good goal for me, but since I can apparently hit that without even trying, I guess I'll bump it up some....

GOAL -- 100 miles by Tax Day, April 15.

40 miles in a month might be a bit too much, but between the yardwork being done in the backyard, getting a cedar gazebo, paying off the fancy refrigerator I bought and my trip to Alaska in July, I don't really have any reward money anyway.

OH -- If I make my 100 mile goal by April 15, I can go see Jimmy Buffett guilt-free on 4/21. (In other words, I'm buying myself my goal gift before I even began working on the goal!)


E said...

60 miles so far this year is great! 100 miles by April 15 is an awesome goal and you'll probably surpass it. Keep up the great job!

AnnaBanana said...

Thanks for the encouragement!

I'm debating if my backpacking trip 3/28-30 should count in my miles or not. If I don't count it, I think I'll give myself an additional weekend to make up for the lost time....

Viv said...

That is great mileage, it just hit me know whilst reading. Even though you told me Sat I did not really grasp it. Keep at it! I am looking forward to you telling me you met that tax day goal :-)